Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee
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  • It is the oldest coffee brewing method in the world.
  • Foam consists of coffee and grounds.
  • Thanks to its soft and velvety foam, it is the type of coffee that retains its taste for the longest time on the palate.
  • Thanks to this delicious foam, which can stay shapeless for a few minutes, it can stay hot for a long time.
  • As it is served in a thin-rimmed cup, it cools down more slowly than other types of coffee, thus providing a longer-lasting coffee enjoyment.
  • With its intense syrupy consistency, it over-stimulates the taste buds in the mouth and remains in the memory.
  • Compared to other types of coffee, it is more viscous, soft and aromatic.
  • It can be easily distinguished from other coffees with its unique scent and special foam.
  • It is considered by coffee lovers to be the only coffee that can be drunk by boiling.
  • It is the only type of coffee used to tell the future. Cafedomancy: Divination using coffee grounds.
  • It is unique because the coffee is in the cup, but it does not need to be filtered and filtered because it settles to the bottom as grounds.
  • Since sugar is added during preparation, there is no need for later sweetening as in other coffees.

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